10 August 2010

Cheez Its

An otherwise perfectly fine day took an ugly turn in the late afternoon, leaving me standing on an over-crowded train in a sour mood. It really doesn't matter what it was that put the scowl on my face (work-related stress typically isn't worth the re-hash); the interesting part is how we get ourselves out of the funk.

Venting, breathing, running, dancing, drinking, eating. We all have our ways of beating the blues.

Today I conquered my anger with Cheez-Its.
R and I have been on a very controlled low-carb diet for two weeks now. When I got home to an empty house, I headed straight for that red box.

Now I just have to rid myself of the shame of eating far too many orange crackers.

What do you do to beat the stress?


  1. Drink ?
    Take a nap ?
    Polish the "Z"!

  2. Oh yes! I forgot about working... like polishing a car! I sometimes clean the house to beat the stress. Hard work and a good end result.

    Thanks for coming back to the blog even though I've been so quiet for so long!
