30 August 2010

Like many dogs, Sal's feet often twitch when he is sleeping deeply...I imagine he is dreaming about running freely in an open field.
This morning, however, he was wagging his tail in his sleep!
So cute! I'm glad he was having a happy dream.

Driving home.

26 August 2010


Have I shared this before?
Evidence of my problem with Cheez-Its can be traced way back...

24 August 2010

23 August 2010


click photo to enlarge

18 August 2010

Carolina Beach

click photo to enlarge

16 August 2010

13 August 2010

A New Addiction

We are growing okra in the garden. I never would have guessed that this crop would bring me the most joy. I honestly thought it would be the tomatoes. Don't get me wrong, I love my tomatoes. Their production has been stellar - but they've worn me out.

I had no idea that okra plants produced such beautiful flowers.

And I can't eat enough of them. I've used okra in many dishes (and I love them pickled!) but by far, my favorite way to prepare okra is the simplest: toss in a bit olive oil, salt, place them in a single layer on a baking sheet and bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes, tossing every 5.

10 August 2010

Cheez Its

An otherwise perfectly fine day took an ugly turn in the late afternoon, leaving me standing on an over-crowded train in a sour mood. It really doesn't matter what it was that put the scowl on my face (work-related stress typically isn't worth the re-hash); the interesting part is how we get ourselves out of the funk.

Venting, breathing, running, dancing, drinking, eating. We all have our ways of beating the blues.

Today I conquered my anger with Cheez-Its.
R and I have been on a very controlled low-carb diet for two weeks now. When I got home to an empty house, I headed straight for that red box.

Now I just have to rid myself of the shame of eating far too many orange crackers.

What do you do to beat the stress?

My Summer Hiatus Is Over

I realize that I never announced my summer break from blogging, so it is likely that most of you have abandoned jessicahawkins.blogspot altogether. But if you somehow made it back here, I hope you'll continue to visit. My hiatus is officially over.