23 December 2009

Lay Flat to Dry

I guess the white sweater was too tempting to pass up.

21 December 2009

Still Snowed In

This is what our county posted regarding our unplowed road:

Residential Streets
* Plowing begins up to 36-48 hours after storm ends. One lane will be made passable* 2-3 days later. Expect snow-packed roads.


20 December 2009

09 December 2009

In a conversation with R last night, I blurted:

"People who don't eat dairy are stupid!"

Profound, I know.

The only difference I've noticed since cutting dairy, intense and constant cravings for cheese.

01 December 2009

Many sources claim that a diet without dairy is actually much better for our bodies. Dairy has been associated with lethargy, weight-gain, and even migraines. Moreover, some people claim that without dairy, their skin looks and feels healthier.

I love dairy products. And up to now, I couldn't imagine life without cheese. But I'm taking the dairy-free challenge. For the next 24 days (December 1 to 24) I am cutting out meat and dairy from my diet. I am very interested to see if I feel any different by eliminating these foods from my body. I will also increase my weekly exercise to see if toning up will be easier on this diet.

It is an experiment. I am simply curious about the claims and if in 24 days I find no proof, I will return to a life with meat and cheese. I will be careful eat a vegetarian diet rich in protein and I will continue to take my daily vitamins.

Can't wait to report back!