21 December 2009


  1. Great snow drifting shot . . . now with photo shop or ?? super impose a red rose sticking out of the snow.

  2. That's the beauty of Photoshop...anything is possible. However, the snow pictures, as posted, are untouched.

  3. What an amazing picture! I love the snow drifting picture. Is it possible for you to bring the camera with that picture on it to CT? I would love to print that picture and put it in a black frame.

  4. Listen to me . . a film guy, dealing in black and white, suggesting you "adjust" a digital shot . . . what's the world coming to?

  5. Jessica- I'll print it for you.. I already deleted it off of my camera :(

    Dad- What is the world coming to?? Just to keep you honest, I am bringing you some unused rolls of film. I won't be using it anytime soon...
