24 September 2009

And the reasons why we do NOT miss living in D.C.

1. As mentioned in an earlier post, the parking issues. For me, the lasting displeasure comes from the time when my parked car was totaled by an underage drunk driver. But there are also the tickets and the hours of driving in circles to find a parking spot
2. Not having any private space outdoors
3. The higher price of everything - gasoline, groceries, a pint of beer...
4. Holding my breath after hearing the screech of breaks...waiting for the sound of the collision
5. From the window of my home, hearing with clarity ,what each car stopped at the stoplight is listening to
6. The unbearably loud sound of buses passing our window
7. Not being able to hear someone speaking 6 feet in front of me because of the constant sound of the buses passing by our window
8. Waking up in the night to the deafening sound of tractor-trailer trucks downshifting
9. Putting doggy shoes on Sal so he can get down the stairs without slipping when the elevator goes out
10. Carrying groceries across a street and up to the third floor every time we went shopping
11. Constant horn honking and the overall impatience of D.C. drivers

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