... and then we walked around the market.
The markets are fascinating. I may have mentioned this in an earlier post, but I absolutely love going to all markets (fresh, seafood, super) when traveling. They are so revealing of a culture -- and so much fun. However, the market in the Arab district may have triggered the slightest desire to return home... or at the very least, pizza.
Like every day in Singapore, Friday was a very hot day. The outdoor markets that boast all sorts of dried fish and seafood were smelling especially pungent and my stomach was in no mood. Both Ryan and I were giddy and grossed out. It just smelled so bad. (Literally, when I look at a couple of these pictures, I can smell that place and I gag a little.) But we still enjoyed ourselves, and we took a lot of pictures. Click to enlarge.

What is this?


Little Fish... These were actually on my plate when I ordered a local breakfast. I didn't eat them.

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