20 September 2009

I can't believe that it has been three months and two days since we moved to the suburbs. Typically when we tell city-dwellers that we moved out to the burbs, we are met with gasps and pity. But the truth is, we are loving it out here.

Here are some reasons why we are happy with our decision to move to the suburbs of Washington D.C. after nearly 4 years of living in the city:

1. It’s quiet. Oh. So. Quiet.
2. There’s much less traffic.
3. Sometimes when I open the front door after dark, there is a rabbit sitting in my front yard.
4. I have a front yard. And a backyard too!
5. I can walk barefoot outside.
6. We could not have purchased a one-bedroom condo in the city for the amount we purchased our three-bedroom, two (soon-to-be three) bathroom house.
7. Friendly neighbors. We have met more neighbors in three months here, than we met in 4 years in the city.
8. I can paint the walls, hang artwork, change light fixtures, even bust out a wall without panicking about whether or not I'll get my deposit back.
9. Our monthly mortgage payment is an investment in our future - no longer a rental payment toward someone elses.
10. No more worries about our cars being scraped, bumped, or even totaled (!!!) while parked in the street.
11. We have a driveway. No more parking in the street.
12. I can plant flowers, vegetables, and herbs in places other than my windowsill.
13. Grilling.
14. I no longer need to share laundry facilities with 100 other people.
15. It only takes 20 minutes to drive to the Baltimore Airport.

And most importantly

16. Salinger has a large yard to run and play in.


  1. I love this post, and smiled at the end!

  2. Yeah, Saly- it's all yours to tinkle wherever you want to! I know you...
