30 April 2011

White Russian

My paternal grandmother's drink of choice was the White Russian. It's a classic cocktail whose moniker is shared with:

  • A person from Belarus
  • A Russian who supported the tsar in the 1917 Revolution
  • A type of marijuana
  • A species of dwarf hamster

    So even though grandma wasn't a Belarusian revolutionary who got stoned with hamsters, she enjoyed the occasional sipsky. Budem zdorovy!

    White Russian
    1 1/2 oz vodka
    3/4 oz Kahlua or other coffee liquer
    3/4 oz cream
    Pour mixed ingredients into an old-fashioned glass filled with ice.

    The White Russian cocktail isn't Russian at all. Perhaps the inclusion of vodka inspired the name.
  • 1 comment:

    1. Now your'e talking! This and Coba Libre are few of the drinks that I survived on while living in central america for 6 months.
