Nearing 30 and trapped in a dead-end secretarial job, Julie Powell resolved to reclaim her life by cooking, in the span of a single year, every one of the 524 recipes in Julia Child’s legendary Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Her unexpected reward: not just a newfound respect for calves’ livers and aspic, but a new life – lived with gusto.
While fulfilling her goal, Julie Powell kept a blog documenting her experience: The Julie/Julia Project. The blog came before the book, as she really had no idea her project would result in publication.
Today, while I perused the the many food blogs that exist, I came across The Gourmet Project. A grad student in Canada has decided to take on The Gourmet Cookbook. He does not claim to be original, he simply recognizes that this isn't something he has done before.
Can you see where this is going?
That's right.. I want to do this! Rediscovering the Jamie Oliver cookbooks that had been sitting on our shelves for years tripped my culinary wire months ago. Jamie Oliver just makes everything seem so easy! That was when I started to bake bread. I experimented by making various types of foccacia, bread sticks, baguettes, pizza dough, even bagels (but that was disaster.) My culinary buzz intensified after my trip to Florence (photos coming soon.) Though our newest cookbook (only 26 hours old) is Jamie's Italy, I've not yet decided if that is the book I will tackle. I'll keep you posted.
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